Lijit search stats

We just launched a stats page on Lijit. Very cool. Now you can see how people are searching you, which of your content sources are being clicked on, who in your network is providing good results, and lots of other goodies.

For example, here’s my page

Looking closer, the first stat gives a view of how often I’m being searched

Next is a graph showing what and who (my content and my network) is being clicked on from my search engine: Posts from my blog, posts from someone else’s blog, pages from my delicious bookmarks, etc…

You see that posts from my blog (“blogs | wanderingstan”) are clicked the most, then some stories from the TalkOrigins archive, some posts from Read/Write web, some stories I’ve dugg, and so on.

Next is a graph showing the distribution just within my content

Again we see that my Blog is the most popular, with my delicious, digg, and StumbleUpon (that’s the “wanderingstan’s” one at the end!) accounts also serving up some clicked-on results.

We also give a listing of the most popular clicked-on results, and a more detailed account of top search terms used.

I’ve made my stats page public, so you can see it here.

Another cool one to watch is the stats for the Ask the VC blog, you can see the stats here. For example, check out the range of blogs that are serving up results:

Check it out on your own search engine page. The results might surprise you!