Scoble: it’s the humans who “optimize” the Web

Talking about search, Scoble expounds that it is other humans we care about, not corporations.

When I search on “Office Furniture” why is the first thing I see stores? I don’t wanna see freaking corporate info. I wanna know what HUMANS like to use in their offices.

None of the big search companies have figured out that it’s the humans who “optimize” the Web.

I’ll be looking for who lets me get to the other humans the fastest.

Here, let’s try this. If I can spend less than $500 for an office chair, which one is best?

Optimize that!

That’s it. And not just ANY humans, but those from our circle of friends. If you’re looking for the best office chair, do you really want everyone in China having an equal footing with your friends?

What Scoble really wants is the third phase of internet search:

Phase 1

User searches for “Thailand”, and the page containing “Thailand” the most times is chosen by search engine.

Phase 2

User searches for “Thailand”, and the page with the most incoming links is chosen by search engine.

Phase 3

User searches for “Thailand”, and the page containing photos of a friend’s Thailand vacation is chosen search engine.
(For best results, this would require complete integration with a search engine’s database. That’s not possible at the moment, so the current Outfoxed can only re-order the search results that are returned by a search.)