Memories of OpenData 2007

Abdur Chowdhury, (formerly at AOL, made decision to release the AOL search data.)

  • 3 Questions you must ask yourself before opening your data:
    • Why are you opening the data?
      • Right answer: You firmly believe that you are helping people/consumers.
    • What are you going to do once you open the data?
    • Are you ready for the unexpected consequences?

Gerry Campell

  • This is sort of a “coming out party” for Reuters.
  • We (Reuters) have content and he have to connect with our consumers. They have trouble finding it.
  • Reuters is watching what’s happening out there, looking for how it can serve vertical markets: finance, technology, you name it.

Esther Dyson

  • You’re 85 years old and on your deathbed.  You have 50 million dollars and you have 10,000 friends on Friendster 8.0 … Which is weirder?! You can’t spend all the money and you can’t enjoy that many friendships.

Chris Law, Aggregate Knowledge

  • Your social network is a poor proxy for what you’re interested in.
  • Your behavior is a good proxy for what you’re interested in.

Sanjiv Das, Morgan Stanley

  • Information is so important to us, and gives us so much proprietary advantage. “Open data” is scary to us.
  • Data is going to be a commodity. get ready for it. The ORGANIZATION of that data may NOT be a commodity.  that’s interesting.

David Cancel, Compete

  • 2 million people being monitored
  • 250-300K have the toolbar installed
  • ISP’s are monitoring and licensing data to compete

Seth: This is granted deep in the EULA of the ISP?
David: Yes, just like its deep in the EULA of a credit card company.

Seth: How much do you pay an ISP?
David: For an ISP with millions of users, a million or so a month. [year?]

Seth: If I’m a comcast user, I’m worth about $.40/month for my entire clickstream
David: Yes. 10-12 folks buying this data, that I know of. (So you’re worth more than $.40!)

Seth: What percentage of us here are having our clickstream sold, would you guess?
David: 10%

Seth: Is the government buying this too?
David: Yes, I’m pretty sure they are.

Dick Costolo, Feedburner

  • Opening an API can have unplanned good consequences: Overnight we had a ton of new users from Spain. Someone there had used the Feedburner subscription count (obtained via the API) as part of a reputation/ranking algorithm, so now all the blogs were signing up to raise their stats. Now we probably won’t see a competitor come out of Spain.

Scott Rafer – (formerly of) MyBlogLog

  • People got into blogging to make new human connections, and somehow some part of our forebrain mistakes these little pixel collections for human connection.

Seth Goldstein

  • Imagine there is information about “Who is influential” … Who does that info belong to? To the people who are influential? To the people who calculated it?
  • Alignment — if you pay attention enough, you start to align with someone. I hate how much I am influenced by Fred Wilson, but I pay attention to his stuff, so I am.

Random Quotes and Exchanges

“The best guarantee for attention is living your life as openly as possible, expressing yourself as publicly as possible as early as possible.” – Goldhaber

??? – The Genie [of data collection] is out of the bottle, now its time to ask for the 3 wishes. We’ve gotta think carefully about what those 3 wishes should be.

Chris Law (Aggregate Knowledge): I wish AttentionTrust compliance was widespread…we don’t want to surprise people.
Steve Gilmore: This is bullshit.  Have you signed/endorsed the AttentionTrust principles?
Chris Law: No, we’re looking into it.