Old projects
- Python LSA. An implementation of Latent Semantic Analysis using Python. (2003)
- Set Covering Machine in Python (Python Code), or my presentation about it (Powerpoint). An implementation of a Set Covering Machine, as decribed by Mario Marchand and John Shawe-Taylor in their paper. Features visualization of 2D data in a browser, generated by tranforming XML debug code via XSLT into DHTML. (2003)
- Morphological transformations in Amharic (Python)
Some Python code for doing morphological transformation and analysis of some amharic words. (2003) - SlideWinder from the dark ages of 2004, before Google Docs, a small attempt at doing PowerPoint-style presentations in a browser. (2004)
- Facetagging, GEDGOM Imports, and Mechanical Turk for Drupal Open source modules developed as part of the family archive project.
- Rule 110 Try out the famous cellular-automata program from Stephen Wolfram’s “A New Kind of Science” book. (2004)