Spent the whole day studying for the Action & Cognition exam with Sebastion, Fabian, and Basti. (This is the best explanation of cross-correlation and shift predictors that I’ve found on the web.) Our Wiki over the sample test questions on Stud.IP is getting lots of viewing, but fewer than 8 of us actually contributed any content.
I’m a bit sentimental: This could be my last final exam, ever. I mean, I don’t go for a Ph.D. (and even if I do) then I’ll never have another class with a final exam. Ah, but I overstate my case. Though it’s not clear now, I’m too much in love with learning to be away for long. I’ll be taking classes again, even if it’s just on my lunch break or on outings from the old folks’ home.
After tomorrow I need to take a long hard look at the next few months and make some sort of a plan. Job applications? PhD programs? Welfare lines?
Discovered that my friend Caryn has a blog. Or should I say blogs?