Expertise and Information Overload in Cool Graphs

Doing some random searches on Lijit’s newest celebrity blogger this morning I ran across some great posts from Kathy Sierra. (Recently in the news for death-threat entanglements with Boulder’s own Chris Locke) I’m always a sucker for good graphs, and these are gems.

From Is Twitter TOO good?

My takeaways from her post: She references an amzing number of studies in here post. It’s amazing/good to see how much neuroscience and psychology are influencing our understanding of the web. And this is exactly what we need to embrace in order to solve the information overload problem she is worried about (“we’re all screwed!”). It’s the Digital Cortex again.

The next chart ties into where Lijit is headed in the next months–Finding experts.

From How to be an expert

Again, I’m impressed by her reference to neuroscience. And the bottom line message hits home: Expertise is more a matter of focus than of “natural talent”.

One thought on “Expertise and Information Overload in Cool Graphs”

  1. Work twice as hard ! Stop sleeping … and it will get real.
    This post 8 month ago made me understand twitter before it became a phenomenon. She is definitly very smart.

    Happy to lijit”ly” search Jason !

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