The laptop I want

Laptops are the way to go. It’s work, play, communication, and entertainment in one little package I carry under my arm. Unfortunately, today’s laptops are an ergonomic nightmare. You have to choose between making your arms happy or your eyes happy: if it’s low enough that your arms are at a non-carpal-pain angle, then your head has cramp down to view the screen. If the screen is high enough that your eyes are at a good level, then your arms have to reach up to the keyboard.

But these days I see more and more people using wireless keyboards when they’re at their desk. The Mac keyboards are especially slim–which got me thinking: why not have the wireless keyboard built in to the laptop which you can pull out anywhere?

The random thoughts you get on an airplane flight…

4 thoughts on “The laptop I want”

  1. I love it. I would totally buy one from when you start making your millions off of it. You could also have the mouse slip in to the side of the laptop so you don’t have to juggle it. I can’t stand the little built in mouse pad on mine. I am always using my wireless mouse, but if it had a spot I could tuck away in the laptop that would be perfect. I guess I am just following up your idea with random thoughts…I like yours though!

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