Pics comparing myself to my parents at the same age

Six years ago my Dad started scanning his old photos, and now has scanned over 20,000 photos and documents. Not to mention a ton of audio tapes and home movies. For the last few years I’ve worked on better software for organizing and viewing this family treasure, integrating genealogy data from, facetags from Picasa, text transcription from Mechanical Turk, and thousands of man-hours from my dad in entering captions and dates.

I’ll write full write-up soon, but here’s my favorite gem so far. (Thanks to Brad White for brainstorming the idea with me.) Can you tell what the pictures are showing? 🙂


Video of my dad explaining his scanning project:

Presenting at the Personal Digital Archiving Conference 2011:

See The Future of Retrospective for more thoughts on family archiving.

One thought on “Pics comparing myself to my parents at the same age”

  1. That is so completely cool – and it’s so clear that you have both of them in you…but wow, you really favor your mom. Well done!!

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