What to do with too much money? Or too much attention?

“Money does a really strange thing. It gives you this sense of omnipotence. But eventually you’re just one person, you look around at all this stuff you’ve acquired and you wonder how you’re ever going to use it.”

That quote is by John McAfee, from an article detailing the 20 million dollar home that he is selling.

This recalled the quote by Goldhaber about the how money is losing it’s appeal as the ultimate must-have item.

You might want to eat all the food in a well-stocked refrigerator at one sitting, but you would probably burst. For the same basic reason — your having only one body, and that of limited size — you can only sleep in so many beds in a night or a lifetime, wear so many clothes, or visit so many spots. But if you were able to get all the world’s attention, it would not cause you any irect bodily harm.

Would you rather have a million dollars, or a million people pay attention to you? Maybe they read your blog, have read your book, watch you on TV, or follow your clickstream. (Ignoring the problem of when the attention lavished on you is out of your control, as it is with celebrities.)

What is the exchange rate between dollars and attention?