MyBlogLog does the hack

A week ago I wrote about my idea for how MyBlogLog could work on MySpace.

As reported on TechCrunch today, they’ve done it! You can see it in action on my MySpace page.

I can’t wait to see how it will spread through the MySpace world. The only questions now are, “Why didn’t MySpace do it themselves?” and “How long till MySpace does it themselves?”

And the next idea for MyBlogLog: Their MySpace widget should also work in RSS description fields. So when you view the feed in BlogLines, this could also register as a recent reader.

2 thoughts on “MyBlogLog does the hack”

  1. When will MySpace do it? Never…. They should just buy it!

    The right MySpace question is are they really that smart? Build a basic Social Network platform with a shitty feature set so that a whole 3rd party development ecosystem develops and supports the platform. Smart or Lucky?

    Next idea….
    Why can’t the whole Widget just ride in the RSS post? Think feedflare. Cache the data at the time of RSS update. Update the data with each rss request.

  2. Nice MBL widget mockup on your MySpace 😉

    As for why they didn’t develop it themselves, I’d guess that MySpace isn’t too thrilled about a third party widget that would take traffic away from their site.

    You know, I had just written a really long response the above post, and I think I may have thought out the problem partially.

    About feed readers, all you’re doing is trying to ID people who *don’t clickthrough on the feed*. If someone clickthroughs on the feed, they’re ID’d as they’re using their browser to read.

    So, all you have to figure out is how to ID someone who just views a feed.

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